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Anti-social Behaviour: House of Commons briefing paper 20/08/2015

Concerns regarding ASB are a regular cause of complaint by constituents to councils, elected members and Members of Parliament. There are wide ranging civil and criminal powers which exist to combat ASB and prevent future problems from occurring. However it is not always clear to whom a constituent should report any concerns or what the outcome will be.


The House of Commons Library has produced a briefing paper on ASB. Although it's aimed primarily at MPs to assist in their constituency casework, it would also be of use to council staff and elected members in providing a summary of the powers to tackle ASB.


Recently, there has been major changes in the law regarding ASB: in the previous Parliament, the Coalition Government introduced the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, the majority of which came into force in October 2014, and Part 1, which deals with new civil injunctions, in March 2015.


The well-known ASBO, introduced in 1998, has been replaced by a civil injunction - the Injunction to Prevent Nuisance and Annoyance (IPNA) - and a post-conviction court order (the Criminal Behaviour Order or CBO).


In an attempt to streamline the powers available to tackle ASB, the government introduced six new powers (replacing 19) which were designed to be faster, more effective and centred on the needs of the victim.


This briefing provides an overview of these new powers available to the police, council and other agencies. It also considers the new ways in which communities can have a greater say in the way ASB is tackled locally and the options available to victims to have their complaint reviewed and a say in the punishment of the offender. Finally it briefly summarises the powers which now exist in cases of housing-related ASB.


House of Commons, ASB briefing paper.

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