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ARCH Exchange – why reinvent the wheel? 17/05/2019 Labelled as Development

We'd like to remind our member councils of the benefits of ARCH Exchange. The Exchange gives senior employees working in the stock retained sector a simple way to pool their knowledge and experience, and to reduce duplicated efforts.


Officers at ARCH member councils can use the ARCH Exchange to ask for examples of how other councils have developed a policy or tackled a particular situation, to circulate questionnaires, and to share your committee or policy reports and much more. It's just another benefit of ARCH membership.


We think the ARCH Exchange is currently underused and using it to its full potential could save ARCH member councils considerable time and effort in developing their housing policies and procedures.


How ARCH Exchange works


Members can email their enquiry, questionnaire or the documents they're willing to share to . We'll then send out details to the main ARCH contact in each organisation.

If you can assist with an ARCH Exchange enquiry, you can respond directly to the member organisation. We provide contact details with the enquiry and copying your response back to the Exchange will enable us to maintain a library of responses for future enquiries and to inform our policy work.

Sharing reports


If you have recently written a cabinet, committee or policy report that you would be willing to share with other ARCH members to help other councils who may be working on the same issue, you can email it to the Exchange. We'll post it in the members' area of the ARCH website and tell other members it's available.


ARCH members are encouraged to make use of the ARCH Exchange facility. Sharing information in this way through the network of nearly 70 stock retained councils could save time and effort in developing new policies and approaches in your own council and help promote learning and best practice across the stock retained sector.


If you have any queries regarding the Exchange, please email:

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