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EHRC launch independent living enquiry 21/12/2016

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has launched a formal inquiry to examine the extent to which disabled people's right to independent living is supported by the provision of accessible and adaptable housing and tenancy support services.


The Commission has a legal power, under section 16 of the Equality Act 2006, to conduct an inquiry into anything relating to its equality, diversity and human rights duties. Conducting an inquiry is a way for the EHRC to gain a clear picture of a particular sector or issue, where they feel there is a benefit to wider society.


The inquiry will examine the lived experience of disabled people and the extent of any shortfall in accessible and adaptable housing and the availability of tenancy support services in England, Scotland and Wales.


It will aim to identify whether disabled people are able to assert and achieve their right to independent living through housing provision, and whether or not local authorities are fulfilling their obligations under equality and human rights legislation. The EHRC expect the inquiry to report in early 2018.


Full details, including the terms of reference, can be found on the EHRC website.


The EHRC will be taking evidence to the inquiry in the new year. Full details about how to do this, and the particular areas they are interested in, will be available early next year on their website.


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