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Government to fund cladding replacement on private residential buildings 17/05/2019 Labelled as Finance

In our last bulletin we highlighted the comparatively slow progress in removing and replacing unsafe Aluminium Composite Cladding (ACM) from privately owned residential buildings compared to action being taken by social landlords.


The Government has subsequently announced that around £200 million will be made available to remove and replace unsafe cladding from around 170 privately owned high-rise residential buildings (i.e. those containing homes).


The government is already funding the replacement of unsafe ACM cladding on social sector properties.

The latest figures show that 156 private buildings are yet to start works on removing and replacing ACM cladding, compared to 23 in the social sector.


Owners of private residential buildings will have three months to access the new fund and the Government says it will look carefully at those who fail to remediate and consider what further action can be taken.

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