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Over 220,000 net additional homes provided last year but less than 6,500 for social rent 22/11/2018 Labelled as Development, Regulation, Tenants

Latest figures from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) show that over 222,000 net additional homes were delivered in 2017/18 including 195,290 new build homes.


The 222,190 net additions over the year resulted from:


  • 195,290 new build homes
  • 29,720 gains from change of use between non-domestic and residential
  • 4,550 from conversions between houses and flats and
  • 680 other gains
  • Offset by a loss of some 8,050 homes due to demolitions.


This represents the highest level of net additional homes delivered across England in all but one of the last 31 years, but is still 80,000 short of the Government's target of delivering 300,000 homes a year by the mid-2020s.


The publication also includes separate data (not included in the above figures), on additions and losses from the stock of communal accommodation: In 2017 to 2018, there was a net increase of 2,270 communal student accommodation units and a net increase of 420 other communal accommodation units, bringing the total net increase to 2,690.


Read the full statistical release


In a separate statistical release detailing affordable housing supply it is revealed that 47,355 affordable homes were delivered in 2017/18 but only 6,463 of these homes were provided for social rent.


26,838 homes were provided for affordable rent , 10,880 for shared ownership, 1,727 for affordable home ownership and 1,024 for intermediate rent.

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