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Save the date for the 2019 Chief Officer’s Conference 21/02/2019 Labelled as Development, Consultation, Legislation, Regulation

The 2019 annual Chief Officer Conference will be held on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December 2019 at Scarman House at the University of Warwick.


Following a very successful 2018 conference, arrangements are already underway with our colleagues at the National Federation of ALMOs (NFA) for this year's conference. 2019 is expected to be a pivotal year for social housing as the Government prepares to outline their response to consultations on the Social Housing Green Paper and take forward plans to implement the recommendations of Dame Judith Hackitt's report into building regulations and fire safety in high rise residential buildings. Expectations on council landlords and ALMOs from all quarters will be high. Following the scrapping of HRA borrowing caps, the Government will expect councils to deliver the promise of a "new generation of council housing" and tenants will quite rightly expect greater opportunities for involvement in decisions about their homes including future investment.


The conference is unique in being aimed specifically at Directors and Heads of Service in stock retained councils and ALMOs with places for ARCH members offered on a buy one get one free basis.


Further details of the conference programme and booking arrangements will be announced nearer the date but in the meantime make a note of the dates in your diaries.

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