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Sheffield to celebrate 100 years of council housing 17/05/2019 Labelled as Development, Legislation

ARCH member councils are beginning to let us know their plans to celebrate the centenary of the Addison Act and 100 years of council housing.


Under the Addison Act, Local Authorities were given the task of developing new housing and rented accommodation where it was needed by "working people". Backed with Government financial support, this enabled the construction of council housing at scale in a way that is still known today.


Government design guidance strongly recommended high quality, well-proportioned housing, with gardens where possible: a very big change from most working-class housing at the time.


Sheffield embraced the challenge and the construction of a number of new estates commenced very quickly.


Prior to the act, the then Corporation in Sheffield had concentrated its housing delivery at Wincobank, building 617 houses on the estate by the end of 1916.


As a result of the Addison Act, new housing quickly got underway on the Norwood estate, followed by the estates at Walkley, Woodhouse/Handsworth, Wadsley, Brushes, Stubbin and the Manor estate in the city.


Sheffield Council wishes to mark this important anniversary with a range of activities and events and has begun by publishing an article in the latest edition of "Your Home, Your Neighbourhood" - the newsletter for council tenants and leaseholders in Sheffield.


A special article in the newsletter asks residents to share photos and memories about life in this new council housing and invites applications for a Community Fund Grant to help celebrate the centenary in local communities.


ARCH is keen to promote local celebrations of the Addison Act, not only to celebrate the significant contribution that council housing has made to the lives of ordinary people over the last 100 years, but also to emphasize the continuing role council housing should play in future.


Working with our colleagues at the National Federation of Almos (NFA) we are asking all our member councils to let us know what they are planning to do to celebrate 100 years of council housing and if you have not already done so, to complete our survey to let us know your council's plans.


Finally, we are trying to get everyone to use a universal hashtag for social media comments on the Addison Act - #100yearsofcouncilhousing and/or #addisonact. Please circulate these hashtags to any of your staff and residents who are communicating on Addison Act celebrations.

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