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Social housing lettings down again 31/08/2018 Labelled as Scrutiny

Latest figures from the Department of Communities & Local Government show that social housing lettings by local authorities decreased by 9% in 2016/17, a continuation of the long-term trend in the decline in the number of lettings.


Lettings by private registered providers also decreased in the same period by 11%.


Total new lettings by private registered providers and local authorities in 2016/17 was 334,602 - the lowest total in the last 10 years and down from a high of 394,484 in 2011/12.


In the 2007/08 the number of lettings by local authorities was 145,403 compared to 103,122 in 2016/17.


Coupled with the continuing decline in the total stock of council housing this is not good news for those on council housing waiting lists and will make a grim reading for those homeless households living in temporary accommodation and others on council housing waiting lists.



Click here to see the full DCLG Statistical Release

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