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Updated safety case information expected soon 20/01/2022 Labelled as Development

Last year the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) published the safety case 'key principles' document to introduce the new requirements for a safety case for high rise buildings in scope of the Building Safety Bill, which is currently going through Parliament.


Further work to provide more detail on this is being developed by the HSE in the form of a 'toolbox' of guides. It is expected that the first of these will be published shortly to give a brief overarching guide on what is required under the new safety case regime.


The introduction of a safety case as part of the building safety regime will introduce new roles and responsibilities for high-rise building owners and managers and identify a building's Accountable Persons (AP) and Building Safety Managers (BSMs).


Detailed, accurate information about the building will be critical when registering a building and when preparing the safety case report.


We will provide more information on the "toolbox Guides" for our member councils when published and in the meantime more information about safety case reports is available on the HSE website.

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