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Housing best practice: repairs online update 09/12/2021 Labelled as Development

We previously highlighted the work that colleagues at the City of Lincoln Council are doing in partnership with a number of other local authorities to explore how councils can use a common service pattern for reporting, diagnosing and scheduling housing repairs.


The project, entitled "Repairs Online", is a collaborative local authority project, funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC) Local Digital Fund. Further details of the background to the project can be found on the Local Digital Fund website.


The project has now moved to the "Beta" phase and the project's multidisciplinary project team has been working within the framework of "agile sprints" - short, two-week learning cycles. Each sprint included activities to learn, synthesise, and share new knowledge.


The project team have now completed 5 sprints in the Beta phase, have completed 2 rounds of user research and re- developed the product, adding authentication and integration. 


Full details of the latest developments can be found in a series of blogs on the project website as well as recordings of all the 'Show and Shares'.


Any ARCH member councils interested in getting involved in this project can do so via the link on the project website or can contact Fraser Trickett  ( at the City of Lincoln Council for more information.

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