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Homelessness Reduction Bill 29/09/2016

Bob Blackman's Homelessness Reduction Bill will receive its Second Reading on 28 October and looks likely to receive government support, which means it's likely to be enacted in full or in part.


The Bill proposes significant reform of current homelessness legislation including revisions to the definition of homelessness and a new duty on local authorities to secure temporary accommodation for up to 56 days for homeless people not in priority need. 


The Communities and Local Government (CLG) Select Committee is carrying out an Inquiry into the Bill and its likely impact, to which several ARCH member authorities have submitted evidence. 


There is widespread concern that the Bill would put significant additional pressure on local authority services and finances without necessarily doing anything to tackle the underlying causes of homelessness or provide sustainable solutions for homeless people.


There is also concern that the proposals are unnecessarily bureaucratic and vulnerable to litigation. ARCH is considering proposing amendments to the Bill which would make for a more effective and less bureaucratic response, and would like to hear from member councils with ideas for appropriate amendments.


Read the full text of the Bill.


See details of evidence submitted to date to the CLG Select Committee.


Read our briefing summarising the Homesslessness Reduction Bill.

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